To be able to understand Computer System Structure and able to develop the skill and attitude to direct, control and manage of computer using operating system.
Fundamentals of thermodynamics; specific heat of gases; laws of perfect gases; laws of thermodynamics; Internal energy and enthalpy of gases; thermodynamic processes of perfect gases; entropy of perfect gases; properties of vapor and steam, aspects of thermodynamic cycles, thermodynamic air cycles, thermodynamics vapor cycles, refrigeration and heat pumps and heat transfer.
Fundamentals of Architectural Design,
Aspects of residential building,
Understand the basic areas of residential building,
Understand the room arrangements of a house,
Understand the different types of house.
Understand the architectural drawing.
Understand the planning of stairs & elevators.
Computer control system, Digital Control system, Threats of Computer system security, Controller; Fuzzy logic controller; Robotics fundamentals; Robots sensors; Robot actuators; Robot system, computer vision systems and Robot specification.
To be able to acquire the knowledge on Data Telecommunication Basics. And to develop skill on signal and data telecommunication and Networking systems.
Sequential system concept; Flip-flops; Registers & counters; Semiconductor Memories; A/D & D/A converters; PLD and SAP-1& SAP-2.
তথ্যপ্রযুক্তির প্রতিনিয়ত পরিবর্তনের যুগে বর্তমানে আমাদের অবস্থান। যতই সময় অতিবাহিত হচ্ছে মানুষের অন্য ব্যক্তি বা প্রতিষ্ঠানের সাথে যোগাযোগের ক্ষেত্রও ততই প্রসারিত হচ্ছে। হয়ত এমন দিন আসবে, যে-দিন সমস্ত পৃথিবী চলে আসবে একেবারে হাতের মুঠোয়। আর এটা সম্ভব হবে তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ ব্যবস্থার আরও ক্রমাগত প্রসারের মাধ্যমে।
Cell and Battery: Principle, construction, uses and maintenance; Electroplating; DC Generator: Principle, construction, winding, losses, efficiency, characteristics and parallel operation; DC Motor: Principle, construction, torque/speed curves, efficiency.
Stresses in machine elements; Causes of failure of machine member; Pressure vessels; Screwed joints; Knuckle joint; Shaft; keys; couplings; Power screw; Belt & ropes; Springs; Gears; Clutches and Brakes.
Algebra : Determinants, Matrix, Exponential Series.
Trigonometry : Inverse circular functions, Properties of Triangle and Solution of triangles.
Differential Calculus : Function, limit, differentiation.
Integral Calculus : Fundamental Integrals, integration by substitutions.
,হাইড্রলিক্স কার্যক্ষেত্র, প্রবাহীরধর্মএবং প্রবাহীর চাপ,প্লবতা ,প্রবাহির চাপ পরিমাপক যন্ত্র ,পাইপ দিয়ে প্রবাহীর প্রবাহ, বারনোলির সমীকরনের ধারনা,অরিফিসের মধ্যে দিয়ে প্রবাহ,মাউথপিস এর মধ্যে দিয়ে প্রবাহ,নস এবং উইয়ার এর মধ্যে দিয়েপ্রবাহভিসকাস প্রবাগহের ধারনা,ইম্প্রাক্ট অব জেটের আকৃতি ,ওয়াটার টারবাইন ,রেসিপ্রকেটিং পাম্প,সেন্ট্রিফিউগাল পাম্প,রোটারি পাম্প, হাইড্রলিক ডিভাইস এর বৈশিষ্ট ।
understand Creativity in Architecture, Concept in Architecture, Anthropometric data, Balance & Composition.
Short Description: Chemistry Is A Basic Science Subject Which Is Essential To All Engineering Courses. It Gives Knowledge Of Engineering Material, Their Properties Related Application And Selection Of Material For Engineering Application. It Is Intended To Teach Student The Quality Of Water And Its Treatment As Per The Requirement And Selection Of Various Construction Materials And Their Protection By Metallic And Organic Coatings. The Topics Covered Will Provide Sufficient Fundamental As Well As Background Knowledge For The Particular Branch.
Scope of Fluid Mechanics and Machinery, Properties of Fluids, Concept of Fluid Pressure, Fluid Pressure Gauges, Flow of Fluid Through Pipes, The Concept of Bernoulli's Equation, The Application of Bernoulli's Equation, Flow Through Orifices, Flow Through Mouthpieces, Viscous Flow, Impact of Jets, Water Turbines, Pump, Hydraulic devices, Reciprocating Compressor, Rotary Air Compressor
Reading skill: Seen Comprehension. Listening Skill : Listen to instructions and follow them .Speaking skill : Make dialogue and conversations .writing skill : paragraphs, Letter, application, CV writing. Grammar : Common English language items such as Articles, Verbs, Tenses, voice, narration etc.
Automobile body; Construction of automobile body; Manufacturing process; Effect of collision; Tools and equipment required for auto‐body repair; Fasteners; Sheet metal damage repair; Welding process; Fitting methods; Materials for automobile body; Surface preparation; Features of primer; Plastic fillers; Fiber glass repair; Refinishing methods and spray painting equipment.
Field astronomy, Different type of Time,
Use of digital theodolite,
of Total station,
concept of geodetic survey.
principles of operation and uses of GPS receiver.
GIS, concept of GIS map.
control points,
RTK surveying.
Conventional & non-conventional refrigeration cycles, Operation of refrigeration cycles, Component of vapor compression cycles, Accessories and auxiliaries of refrigeration cycles, Refrigerant and refrigerant oils.